I would like to update you on my health.
I know nobody cares,
But, after all, this blog is a diary
. so after the flu,
that was actually associated with bronchitis, I was left
pharyngitis (that's a classic
But all this would be nothing.
only that ... the physical weakness led
influence has affected the level
immune (formerly unregulated
by CFS) and took me to a worsening of
psychic. So, I must return
to cure me, at least for a while (I hope
to find a suitable antidepressant).
You can not go on any longer
my father cry almost every day,
and do everything with superhuman difficulty.
Incidentally, I just had
transits of Mars and Sun in House XII: (
that are associated with a RSB with As in
VIII (in fact I sleep a lot).
Vabbè reasons to be depressed I would
. Oh well I CFS
twenty years, oh well it hard to engage in the difficult art market
completely irrational and absurd imbalance of prices and values),
ok, I do not have a girlfriend, etc..
If I really to astrarmi
completely by the alleged value that society gives to
result, however fleeting and always on
should open a big parenthesis
the influence and importance of the vision of Osho
on my beliefs), I would be the happiest man
and realized
the world, being that the value ,
my opinion, it's all in the effort and sacrifice
, and is also independent
the talent and quality starting
available to the individual.
arrive without the excesses Eastern
for which the ultimate goal is "non-action but
being " For me what matters now is
commitment, beyond the results,
and both effort and results, go
always related to the potential of the individual
(Did 10
the value of quality of an individual, and 100
the potential of a second, if the first
get a result of 200 and a second
of 1000, the first will certainly
more value in itself).
... So that I complain . But nobody has ever thought to
why people complain
? No one has ever considered that if the subjects
marked by values \u200b\u200b
Pisces, Virgo, and Saturn - for example -
complain more than others is because they are
subjects more than others to physical and mental ills
and suffer from this fact more than other??
But no, it is assumed Pisces and Saturn that are
plaintive default.
Thank God my father, before being
affected by the disease and demonstrate a
great fortitude and strength
evil, has hardly ever seen a doctor
. His Sun in X and a nice
Moon conjunction Jupiter have
protected well (though he has paid all
perhaps with interest in
6 years of disease, with Saturn to Fc).
But not everyone is so lucky .
Some people are born under good stars and enjoy the singing ...."
so I want to live 'with the sun in front
blissfully happy and singing, "impippandosene
the arguments of others, and who's not.
NO (link) can judge me!
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