"We can admit that the accused
has ideas different from those of our
president, but not too different."
[from "The Dictator of the Free State
of Bananas" by Woody Allen]
Ironically, this aphorism
opened an article entitled "censorship" and signed by Cyrus
Disciple NUMBER
on a quarterly of "Research '90" published by the same
(April 1990). Though some have argued that this
number does not exist and I am a liar and has
bales, the same I was honored as a promotional copy
by Dante Valente, in the same year, during a conference
of Turin, the times when the meetings were held at the Café
S. Carlo, on
homonymous square. So, to honor the truth
has ideas different from those of our
president, but not too different."
[from "The Dictator of the Free State
of Bananas" by Woody Allen]
Ironically, this aphorism
opened an article entitled "censorship" and signed by Cyrus
Disciple NUMBER
on a quarterly of "Research '90" published by the same
(April 1990). Though some have argued that this
number does not exist and I am a liar and has
bales, the same I was honored as a promotional copy
by Dante Valente, in the same year, during a conference
of Turin, the times when the meetings were held at the Café
S. Carlo, on
homonymous square. So, to honor the truth
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